Broken, reinforcing bar – Diapositive n°1
Galerie Kréo
On the occasion of the “Autour du cou” exhibition (“around the neck”, November 2012–January 2013), the Galerie Kreo invited some twenty designers, architects and artists to design jewelry for this part of the body.
Gaëlle Lauriot-Prévost and Dominique Perrault answered this challenge by referring to the world of construction, in its rawest simplicity with the iron of architecture encircling the base of the head and resting flush on the neck. Produced in a limited edition of 20 pieces.
“Alchemy of rust to silver, shifting perceptions, iron to concrete, construction material left exposed with no protection, covered in rust, badly finished, rough and scratchy, transcended into an inalterable piece of jewelry, soft to the skin and fitting the shape of the neck, a mutation from harshness into sensuality.”